The Southern Tidings is the 40-48 page, full-color news magazine of the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. As a service to our readers, advertising space provides Seventh-day Adventist members, entities, and sup-porting entities an avenue for direct communication with members of the Southern Union Conference. The magazine keeps the family informed of the progress of the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Southeast, and provides ideas and inspiration for reaching the community.

Classified Ad Pricing:

Classified Ad Pricing
Word Count
Southern Union Up to 20 words $40
21 – 45 words $45
Each Additional Word $1.30
Out-of-Union Up to 20 words $50
21-45 words $55
Each Additional Word $1.50

How to submit your ad:

  1. Have your pastor or a local church elder write “Approved” and his signature on the sheet of paper containing the advertisement
  2. Write your name and address on the same sheet
  3. Specify how many times the ad is to run
  4. Send the approved ad to your conference office 6 weeks in advance of the publication date
  5. Enclose payment in full for each month the ad is to run. Make checks payable to the Southern Union