The Lakeland stars bought a padlock for our trailer the first time we attended an international camporee. This lock served faithfully on every club trip after that.
One morning, we had a hard time finding the key to open the back of the trailer to get our food. We all prayed to God to help us find the key, but at that moment our Pathfinder leader remembered that he had bolt cutters in his truck. He got them out to cut the faithful lock. When he went to put the cutters back into the truck, he found the keys in his side door.
To honor the faithful years the lock served us we honored it at the memorial fire and wrote its name on it. That lock served us faithfully for 15 years!
We should be like that lock and serve the Lord our God faithfully and honor Him by doing what He says to do by spreading His message around the world. If we do the only difference is that we won’t die, we will live eternal life with God in heaven!