Don Starkey

Don Starkey
Dorothy Harp and Martha Glennie were born on the same day in 1915 — 103 years ago, August 18, 1915. They met for the first time on August 18, 2018, in Calhoun, Ga., on their joint 103rd birthdays!
Dorothy Harp and her husband, Bill, were members and strong supporters assisting Alvin Klein, retired pastor, during the construction of the Marietta, Ga., Church from 1966 to 1970. Klein and his wife, Doralee, have been in touch with Dorothy through the years. When the Kleins moved to Calhoun in 2000, they discovered that a member of the Calhoun Church, Martha Glennie, was born on the same day as their friend, Dorothy Harp.
Klein was excited to discover this and set in motion a way for these two women to meet, and it was even sweeter because it happened on their 103rd birthday. Harp and Glennie were so thrilled to meet each other. They chatted, laughed, and shared stories for nearly two hours.
Harp was born in Indiana, and Glennie in Michigan. Harp presently resides in a basement apartment in the home of her daughter, Joan Harp Auld, in Loganville, Ga., near Stone Mountain. Glennie lives in her own home across the street from her daughter and son-in-law, Marilyn and Dave Lee, in Calhoun, Ga.
Dave Lee and Auld worked for many years with Klein to bring about this unique meeting. Those present for this special birthday occasion included Dorothy Harp, Martha Glennie, Al and Doralee Klein, Don and Doris Starkey, Dave and Marilyn Lee, and Joyce Young who had made a surprise visit to Glennie for her birthday.
Georgia-Cumberland | October 2018

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