Since every student learns differently, each student at Highland Academy is tested to see what their preferred learning type is. For the last three years, Highland has embraced a new learning initiative called 4Mation (4MAT).
4MAT helps teachers engage students by incorporating innovative and engaging ways of learning with traditional instruction. Learning types fall into Quadrant 1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. Each quadrant represents a unique learning method.
Once tested, students, teachers, and parents are then informed on what the student’s learning preferences are, and what strategies help them learn best. Huge differences have already been seen.
Bliss Kuntz, Highland science teacher, shared how she is now incorporating 4MAT into her classes. “I still teach traditional lectures, still use worksheets and laboratory activities which engage the Q2 and Q3 students. However, I now include a connecting experience at the beginning of the unit that correlates to the lesson. This engages the Q1 students. When the lecture and practice is finished, the Q4 students are still in need of attention. Therefore, as we complete the unit, I also include a creative project to engage Q4. This helps Q4 students use the information from the unit to make something innovative or unique which resonates with them. Not every student enjoys each aspect of the unit, but every student’s learning type is targeted in each unit.”
Over the last 10 years, Highland’s average ACT scores have been almost three points higher than the state of Tennessee. The data continues to support that Highland students are receiving a quality education, and are being prepared to become productive citizens in this competitive world. 4MAT continues to build on the excellent academics at Highland Academy. However, excellent academics are in vain if students are not brought closer to the Lord. Above all the academic endeavors, it is the goal at Highland for students to have as many encounters with their Savior, making disciples for Jesus Christ.
Kentucky-Tennessee | December 2016

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