Amy Mapp
Acts of Peace, a ministry of compassion of the Montgomery, Ala., First Church, and coordinated by Bernell and Amy Mapp, and Petra Parker, sponsored a Christmas gift party for needy children in the community. The ministry is called “One Hundred Children Plus.”
This is the second year Acts of Peace has sponsored the party. Over the last eight years, gifts were delivered to the children with a company of carolers. However, as the numbers grew, it became apparent that they could be better served if a party with trimmings was planned for them.
Acts of Peace, partnering with local community volunteers, Toys for Tots, and the area food bank, was able to host 90 families with 268 children this year. Each child received at least three wrapped gifts and refreshments, and enjoyed fun and games. Each parent received a food box and gifts. A gift store was also opened, where parents and children could shop for free gifts of clothing, shoes, toiletries, and miscellaneous items. Acts of Peace provides food for more than 900 individuals each month. In operating this regular ministry, it became apparent that many children are among those affected and were in need of a special event.
A Vacation Bible School (VBS) was planned as a follow-up last year and was well attended. Acts of Peace plans to continue a VBS program and Mother’s Day Out Sabbath afternoon program once a month.
Gulf States | April 2020

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