Courtney Herod
Courtney Herod
Courtney Herod
March 3, 2023, marked the 15-year anniversary of the Alive Youth Rally. Fifteen years of lay-led youth evangelism has impacted approximately 5,000 young people, 450 volunteers, and has inspired countless others to pursue youth ministry in their local communities. While a tornado watch on Friday, the first day of the event, made things a bit too interesting, the youth conference enjoyed perfect weather for its Sabbath sessions. The speaker for Alive 2023 was Armando Miranda Jr., pastor and associate director of youth and young adult ministries for the North American Division. Drawing from Philippians 1:6, Miranda gave a heartfelt message encapsulated by the event’s theme, “Not. Done. Yet.”
While Alive 2023 marks 15 years of youth evangelism, it also marks what many have been hoping over the last few years: a resurgence of youth engagement. Though the rally remained shy of its pre-covid numbers of 500, the rally continued its upward trend from last year to around 320 registrants. Alive 2023 offered a glimmer of what pre-pandemic life was like, and propitiated the hope that such large social gatherings are on the horizon.
Carolina | May 2023
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