For those who have attended Highland Academy (HA), most would list feeling like they are part of a family at the top of their favorite things about the school. The staff and students find many opportunities to form a close-knit community, such as being part of faculty families, doing outreach in the community together, and participating in mission trips and intramural sports. By the time a student graduates, he or she usually has formed connections with others that continue long into adulthood.
This year at HA, one-third of the staff are alumni. Seven staff members chose to come back to serve in many different capacities, including teaching, coaching, being deans, accounting, and grounds management. For some, it was their first job after graduating from college, while others returned specifically to give their own children the opportunity to experience being part of the HA family. All of them returned, however, because they want to help young people draw closer to Jesus and experience a relationship with Him. Their passion, dedication, and love for the school they graduated from adds to the warm, family-like atmosphere that makes students love to be at HA.
Kentucky-Tennessee | June 2021

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