For three weeks this month, Michael Carder, Amazing Facts evangelist, brought Bible truth to an enthusiastic crowd in Phenix City, Ala. The 18 presentations included such topics as “New World Order,” “Hell’s Greatest Myth,” “The Lost Day in Prophecy,” “The Mark of the Beast,” and “The Remnant.”
Charles Pruitt had been enjoying the series from the opening night and began planning for the day of his baptism. “I could hardly sleep last night because my mind was on today. I’ve been looking forward to this day so I can commit my life to the Lord. I’m not going to let go of Jesus.”
Julie Ann Elleston, who has been serving as a nurse’s aide to a family at nearby Uchee Pines Institute, decided to rededicate her life to serving the Lord. “I was baptized in Jamaica many years ago, and I have always been going to church, but the Holy Spirit has impressed me that I have not been living up to the Bible principles that I know, as far as my dress, my Sabbath-keeping, my lifestyle, and health reform. Every evening, I had questions. There were so many things I did not know. So, when the pastor mentioned rebaptism, I felt like it was God calling me to begin my life again. I said, I want this. It was an awesome experience to go through the series, and I give God thanks.”
Carder reflected on his experience during the series: “It was such a blessing for our family to come to Phenix City to share the three angel’s messages. During our time here, we have met so many amazing people from the local churches and community. We will keep this church in prayer as they continue to share the Gospel to the surrounding community. And we pray that we can come back again soon!”
Dwayne Campbell, Phenix City Church pastor, appreciated the timely messages that were heard each night, “We’re very grateful for the evangelist coming for these three weeks and blessing us so richly. The Gospel of the Kingdom was preached, and our church members are now better equipped to share the Good News with our friends and neighbors.”
Gulf States | August 2024

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