Therefore, take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood,” Acts 10:28 NKJV.
The Gulf State’s Conference Ministerial Department, led by Josh Murillo, pastor and Conference ministerial director, held the annual Pastors’ Retreat at Camp Alamisco on January 15-17, 2023. Conference administrators and more than 40 pastors throughout Gulf States gathered for training, fellowship, and worship. “Having all the pastors from the field has been a joy, and to have Pastor José Rojas has truly been a blessing,” said Murillo.
This retreat was organized to provide each pastor with a time of refreshing, encouragement, and practical tools and resources to use in their ministry. “The power of true servant leadership is not measured by how many followers you have, but by how many leaders you inspire, mentor, and mobilize during your lifetime. The Lord is blessing this Conference, and this is the moment for church members to take a stand, for the Lord wants to finish His work. He is mobilizing His people,” said Rojas, keynote speaker at the pastors’ retreat.
Rojas brings more than 35 years of ministerial experience. He served the Church as director of youth and young adults for the North American Division, and later as director of volunteer services for the General Conference. His years of service found him also serving as White House Advisor (Humanitarian Initiatives), amongst other equally noteworthy endeavors.
“Pastor Rojas has really touched my heart. I appreciated the spiritual messages and the insightful wisdom that he was able to share with us from all his years in ministry,” said Jason Carlsson, pastor of the Floral Crest and Owenby Church districts. We can assert God’s promise here at Gulf States found in Jeremiah 3:15, “I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.”
Camp Alamisco staff, led by Ranger Todd and Shelly Ward, hosted the pastors’ retreat. All attendees were blessed by their kind hospitality and exceptional service. Camp Alamisco is in the middle of a fundraiser to construct a go-kart track and children’s playground, amongst other projects.
Gulf States | March 2023

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