Photo By: Princess Crawford
Baptisms are a sign that the body of Christ is growing. Baptisms are also a great time to acknowledge all the members who helped along the way. In fact, the Bible tells that if people took the time to acknowledge and thank those who are working behind the scenes, it would help avoid divisions in the Church.
Tina Hockman, being led by the Holy Spirit, showed up for church one Sabbath. However, this was not her first time coming to the Athens, Tenn., Church. Several years earlier, she came to church and received Bible studies from Ron Wooten, then pastor, and his wife, Gail, who have since retired. It’s a real joy to have the opportunity to see the fruit of their labors.
Hockman continued to come to church and was also faithful in coming to prayer meeting. Many times prayer meeting turned into a Bible study for Hockman. Her thirst to know God better generated many questions. Bill Harper, prayer meeting leader, along with several regular attendees, gladly supported Hockman by patiently answering her questions, giving her material to read, and making her feel at home. In no time at all, she was cleared for baptism.
Hockman’s baptism was a special day. After going over her baptismal vows, she gave a short testimony about her conversion experience. At the end of her testimony, she had several people she wanted to thank for supporting her on her journey. After her baptism they were all called forward along with several other people who helped with the baptism.
Jerry Frady was responsible for filling the baptismal tank and other details. Bill Harper led out in the Bible studies at prayer meeting. D’Angelo Morris, also recently baptized, was a great support in the prayer meeting studies. Carol Bauthot heard Hockman’s testimony and brought a gift for her baptism. Gail Wooten helped her husband, Ron, with the original Bible studies. Audrey Porter supported at prayer meeting and also filled out the baptismal certificate and aided Hockman at her baptism. Hockman’s husband, Ross, has been very supportive even though he has not yet decided to join her in baptism. Wendy Childers, Hockman’s sister, is an Adventist and a great influence. She traveled over an hour and a half to support her sister. Sherrie Adams, Martha Crawford, and Robin Crawford were a great support at prayer meeting, as well as through phone calls and texts. Also in their group picture is a very happy pastor, David Wendt. The whole church should be thanked for their warm smiles and friendly atmosphere.
Truly, many people had a role in Tina Hockman’s baptism. Some planted, some watered, and God gave the increase. The church family asks God to continue to bless us as they work together for Him.
Georgia-Cumberland | March 2021

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