Early in life, Amy Marsh* faced many struggles and regularly did not see that God was with her.
Like Marsh, her aunt, Lauren Barber, also didn’t grow up an Adventist, but several years ago started taking Bible studies and was baptized by Dan Hall, part-time pastor of the Adventist church in Jasper, Tenn. Since Barber’s baptism, anytime Marsh visited her aunt, she would go to church with her. One Sabbath during potluck, Hall, acting on a tip from Barber, asked Marsh if she would like Bible studies. Marsh said she would.
In a matter of days, Marsh received a visit from Hall, where he shared a set of It Is Written Bible studies. She soon started learning new things about the Bible. However, since she was traveling back and forth between her home in another city and her aunt’s house in Jasper, it took several weeks to complete the lessons. At the close of the studies, Marsh requested baptism. When asked why, she exclaimed, “Because I love Jesus!”
After a series of unexpected delays, including a leaking baptistry, Marsh was baptized in the Tennessee River in the fall of 2023.
Many of the church members gathered on the banks of the river, along with relatives from Marsh’s family.
Marsh and Barber are now both members of the Jasper Church. Marsh has joined the Pathfinder club and is looking forward to making friends with other youth in the church.
*Names changed.
Georgia-Cumberland | January 2024

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