Dayna Jaye Brown

Dayna Jaye Brown

William K. and Gwendolyn Y. Brown celebrated their Diamond Anniversary (60 years) on August 31, 2023. These high school sweethearts, originally from Nashville, Tenn., were united in love and holy matrimony by William Alexander, pastor, at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in 1963. The momentous occasion was commemorated with a beautiful banquet, where heartfelt tributes from their one great-grandchild, 10 grandchildren, four children and their spouses, beloved family, and friends, were shared.
These tributes painted a picture of a couple who have made a profound impact through their service as ministry and community leaders, and whose unwavering commitment to marriage and family has been firmly rooted in a strong faith and obedience to God. Some tributes recalled fond memories of travels and family game nights, while others expressed deep gratitude for enduring friendships and genuine prayers. The couple embodies the promise found in Romans 14:18, “For he who in this way serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men.”
Gwendolyn embraced the Seventh-day Adventist Church at the tender age of 5 and was later baptized at 13, while William decided to join 10 years into their marriage. When asked about the secrets of a lasting marriage, Gwendolyn shared, “I had a little talk with God, and He told me, ‘First, become blind (not to see everything), then deaf (not to hear everything), and finally, mute (not to say everything).’” William echoed her sentiment with a resounding “Amen,” as he believes in the wisdom of Proverbs 18:22, which states, “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” The couple have been dedicated members of the Hillcrest Church in Nashville, as well as the New Birth Church in Franklin, Tenn. However, they now faithfully worship at Hillcrest.
Throughout their careers, Gwendolyn excelled as a dietitian, health inspector, and caterer, while William thrived as an engineer, mechanic, and teacher. In all their endeavors, they consistently put God first. William taught Sabbath School, assisted stranded drivers, served as head elder, and diligently managed church finances as treasurer. Gwendolyn directed choirs, led women’s ministries, and prepared and served hundreds of meals with love. Their lives exemplify the teachings of Colossians 3:17, which encourages all to “do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
Ultimately, their six decades of sowing seeds of love, faith, and devotion have blossomed into a fruitful tree deeply rooted in Jesus Christ. Their lives serve as a testament to the wisdom shared in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, which reminds, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”
South Central | June 2024

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