Indian Creek Camp was filled to capacity the weekend of November 4-6, 2016, for the sixth annual Kentucky-Tennessee Adventurer Camporee. Four hundred attendees, composed of Adventurers, families, and staff, enjoyed the weekend’s programing.
The story of Naaman and the little maid was performed as a western in a three-act play, “Miracle at Muddy River.” Sheriff Naaman was led to God by a Native American girl who had been kidnapped from her village. One of the Camporee’s highlights was learning the words and motions to the catchy theme song, “Miracle at Muddy River,” written by the Kentucky-Tennessee youth director, Greg Taylor.
On Sabbath afternoon, the Adventurers earned the Horses Award that was developed just for this Camporee. This award was earned by completing activities at learning stations that were set up around camp. In addition to the learning stations, there was a photo opportunity on the set of the play. Adventurers could have their picture taken with Naaman, Little Maid, and mascot Sadie the horse.
An interactive petting zoo with a miniature horse, miniature donkey, cebu, and other animals provided excitement for the Adventurers. Sadie the horse had a very busy weekend as she helped lead song services and visited each cabin to tuck the Adventurers in at night. Saturday night, Ben Roy wowed the Adventurers with a thrilling science show that illustrated several biblical principles. God continues to bless the Adventurers in fun and exciting ways as they learn to live a life dedicated to Him.
Kentucky-Tennessee | February 2017

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