Ronesto Pineda & Dearra Walters
Ronesto Pineda & Dearra Walters
“Care Church” Resurfaces
Beaufort, S.C., Church has been renowned as a small church with a big heart. Like the sentiment of the rest of the world, this congregation almost lost sight of their calling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The title “Care Church” originates from about 20 years ago when the church was well-known for their “I-Care Center” that provided clothing, food, and resources for anyone in need in the community. After relocating, the church has been seeking to recreate an atmosphere of refuge within their community.
The Adventist Youth (AY) Ministries of Beaufort Church bolstered a local neighborhood of need by hand-delivering “Care Packs” to each home. Prior to delivery, the members collected face masks, hand sanitizer, tissue, individually packaged herbal tea, and other items that can aid in the new reality. AY members filled the bags with these items and small health pamphlets from the Adventist faith. The families warmly received the Care Packs from youth and elders. Powerful prayers of AY members permeated their hearts, bypassing screen doors and dismantling the distance of six feet. Within an hour, the church bus emptied a total of 100 Care Packs.
The following Sabbath, on October 9, 2021, Beaufort Church hosted a “Praise in the Parking Lot” concert. The concert included members from the church and musical guests from surrounding churches in the area. Sixty-plus people attended, and were seen nestled in their cars or with hands lifted in the church’s parking lot. Some of the neighbors who received the Care Pack a week before reunited with the church in praise. The parking lot was packed, and music rendered from all ages invited the community to unite in acknowledging all that God has brought them through during unprecedented times.
Beaufort Church rejoices that the AY ministry has led the church to resurface their mission of care. They aim to continue to employ their gifts of hospitality and music in conveying the pledge of Adventist Youth Ministries, “… doing what (they) can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the world.”
Carolina | January 2022

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