Carolina Holds Virtual Camp Meeting
With the worldwide pandemic in full swing, the Carolina Conference was forced to readjust and regroup in order for Camp Meeting to take place this year. In November 2020, Lake Junaluska Retreat Center (where Carolina Camp Meeting is traditionally held) delivered the disappointing news that the COVID-19 restrictions would greatly limit Camp Meeting attendance, with only 100 people allowed in Stuart Auditorium at one time. Conference administration, along with the Executive Committee, prayerfully decided that for the second consecutive year, Camp Meeting would have to be conducted virtually. Thankfully, the guest speakers for all age groups were willing to pre-record their presentations. The Camp Meeting Committee (and a sub-committee devoted to this virtual event) were united in their goal in maintaining a worshipful week-long virtual event. As in all the years preceding, the opening night of Camp Meeting, Sunday, May 30, 2021, launched at 7 p.m. The presentations were available on YouTube, Roku, the Carolina Conference app, and the Conference’s website. It was gratifying to know that none of the messages God had placed on the speakers’ hearts were silenced by the pandemic.
Each age group from infant to centenarian was represented with virtual presentations just for them. Each day started at 10 a.m. with programming for the children written and created by Kathy Russell, Carolina Conference children’s ministries director. At 11 a.m. the morning devotional was presented by Pavel Goia, editor, Ministry Magazine and associate ministerial secretary.
In the evening, the junior and earliteen speakers were Brandon Ford and Sullivan Phillips; youth and young adults was presented by Nathan Polk and Jaime Pombo; and the main adult meetings were by Mark Witas and Mark Finley. The Carolina Conference is prayerfully hopeful that all can return next year for Camp Meeting on the shores of Lake Junaluska, but also praising God for technology and for the spreading of His Word, even duing a global pandemic.
Carolina | July 2021

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