The Mose family includes Benjamin, nine, Jeremiah, eight, Korynthianne, 12, Mychal, seven, and NyAsia, 11, who decided to walk with the Lord all the way, and were baptized at Emmanuel Church in Mobile, Ala., on Sabbath, November 19, 2016. Each child attended Emmanuel Christian Academy in Mobile for the past three years. Earlier in 2016, the Mose children joined Emmanuel Christian Academy’s Gulf Coast Warriors Pathfinder Club, under the leadership of Bonnie Hawkins-Jordan, and their love for Christ began to overflow and lead them to baptism. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change, and the Emmanuel Christian Academy family is proud of the change the Gulf Coast Warriors Pathfinder Club helped make in the lives of the Mose family.
South Central | May 2017

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