South Nashville Church in Antioch, Tenn., doors may be closed, but the members’ hearts are wide open to worshiping, spreading the Gospel, and serving every Sabbath. The members are living out the true meaning of “worship service.”
The church members meet for an hour daily, Monday through Friday, for a morning devotion via Zoom. This gives the members an opportunity to stay connected, to study God’s Word, and to pray and encourage one another. Keenan West, pastor, leads out in the devotions, but from time to time they may have a special guest or a member to lead out as well.
In addition, West sends out a daily de- votional message through text that closes with a thought or question for discussion. They are encouraged to share the devotionals with family and friends. The devotionals typically reach beyond the United States.
South Church also holds a weekly prayer meeting through Zoom that allows the members to refuel midweek with the studying of Scripture and prayer.
As the church continues to stay closed, the members suggested that they have a drive-up church worship experience. The services are held in the parking lot, and as the praises go up outside, the horns blow from the many cars parked eight feet apart, and they truly feel they are of one accord.
After divine worship, whether watching online or from parked cars, they leave filled with the Holy Spirit, and move into “service.” They have adopted an apartment community in the neighborhood, where they deliver free groceries and snacks for the children every two weeks. They also have committed to giving backpacks filled with supplies.
The other two weeks they participate in the “South Nashville Cares Act.” During this outreach ministry, they set up a portable sound system on a corner one mile from the church. They then distribute money, groceries, and prayer for those who pass by. They have cho- sen to follow Jesus’ example of healing, preaching, and offering service to those in need. So, every week the members are in the neighborhood serving on the Sabbath, it is what they have been com- missioned to do.
On Sabbath afternoon, after the out- reach activity, the members participate, through Zoom, in a ministry called “Deeper.” This is when they have the opportunity to discuss the sermon for the day. The pastor leads out and all are able to ask questions, give insight, and talk about what they learned from the message.
South Nashville Church has been doing great things in the community despite the hard times many are facing in the world. God has truly blessed the efforts of His people. The church members ask that all pray that God’s work may continue to go forth and reach those in need of His saving grace.
| November 2020

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