Cole Marcus, a musician, vocalist, and actor, has one goal. That goal is to glorify God. At 21, he is doing just that. Ken Wetmore, Madison Campus Church senior pastor, recently interviewed Marcus. Following are portions of that interview.
While still an infant, Cole Marcus’ parents realized that he had been born with the rare gift of perfect pitch and total recall. At 10 months he began playing the drums, and at 4 he won America’s Most Talented Kid. Even though he was only 4, Marcus began receiving offers from agents and producers, most of whom his parents turned down.
When Marcus turned 18, the types of roles he was offered radically changed. Many of the offers were roles he did not want. Down on his knees, he told God, “‘I’m done with this.’ Then I got the call for I Can Only Imagine,” Marcus said. “Once I sent in my tape, I pretty quickly got the part of Robby … and that was a blessing. I think the biggest blessing that came out of the role was it taught me, on set, and in the moment, to keep my morals intact …. The devil throws out his ‘bear trap,’ right? He thinks, ‘Maybe he won’t see this one.’ Right when you step in it, God puts His hands in it, opens it up and goes, ‘Nope, nope, I’ve got you, just keep walking.’ It is that beautiful idea that somehow, through God’s Holy Word, I’ve been able to kind of preserve my thoughts and my relationship with Him. I believe filming I Can Only Imagine strengthened my walk with God.”
When asked what he would say to someone about how to thrive and stay connected with God, Marcus replied, “I was on tour … and they wanted me to play at this one venue where I just thought, ‘Whoa, no way. But, they are paying me a lot of money as a retainer.’ That is when I had to call my youth pastor. I said to him, ‘Bro, they want me to play at this place, and it’s just not godly.’ He asked me, ‘Well, what does God say about it? Where are you spiritually? What would Jesus do?’ I went into prayer mode. I said, ‘Lord if you want to take me there, if that’s where your evangelism through me has to be, then so be it.’ About a day before we were to play at this place, I got a call from the tour manager. He said, ‘Hey, you know what, the whole thing has been canceled. We’re just moving on to the next performance.’”
Giving encouragement to those in attendance that Sabbath, Marcus said, “Stay true to what you know, stay true to your morals, stay true to the Word of God, and He will direct your paths and keep you on the straight and narrow during all of it.”
Kentucky-Tennessee | March 2020
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