The South Atlantic Conference Ministerial Department, under the leadership of Lawrence Hamilton, decided to enhance and greatly impact the Conference constituency at its 70th Camp Meeting anniversary. Knowing that the study of the Word of God should take center stage, Hamilton set out to engage as many campers as possible in an exhaustive and intensive Bible study. Drake P. Barber, pastor of Shiloh Church in Smyrna, Ga., conducted the class.
The study of the “Origin of Faiths” was chosen. This study focused on a few of the Bible’s basic core beliefs, such as its teaching on God (Trinity), Salvation, State of the Dead, Judgment (Heaven and hell), Baptism, and Good Church Work Practices. Several religious groups were investigated in light of what the Bible taught according to the subjects listed above. Each religious group was examined from its historic beginnings and its denominational teachings according to God’s Holy Word. Worksheets were provided for the class to fill out as they followed the PowerPoint presentation. The Holy Spirit made all aware of their erroneous teachings, as well as similarities that could be used as an entering wedge for real Bible study. The class was held for five days, two hours a day.
Not knowing how many individuals would be in attendance, the ministerial office assistant, Marlene Edwards, prepared enough materials for about 50 people. To everyone’s excitement, the Lord added to the class daily until it was filled with more than 100 participants. Some students drove one hour each evening to attend the class. The students took away the practical knowledge of how to appropriately study with different religious groups. Materials used in the class were furnished for use at home, and to conduct Bible studies.
The class concluded with a grand celebration of an “Origin of Faiths” certificate. Following the wrap-up, the question was asked, “What are we going to study next year?”
The group was appreciative to the South Atlantic Ministerial Department and staff for such a grand vision.
South Atlantic | November 2016

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