Georgia-Cumberland Conference office staff collected nine bags of trash, along with damaged signs, bumpers, and other items along Red Bud Road, which leads to the Conference office, on July 31, 2023. The Conference recently signed up to participate in Keep Calhoun Gordon Beautiful, part of the federal Adopt-A-Mile program.
“This is a way we can contribute to the community,” says Rick Claus, Conference associate treasurer. “Participating in this opportunity not only makes our surrounding areas look better, but also benefits our property,” he adds.
“It’s easy to get caught up in the dizziness of the regular stuff,” says Carin Bartlett, children’s and junior youth ministries secretary, “[and realize] that other parts of ministry are also important.” Bartlett sees serving the community as another way of doing ministry.
Bartlett isn’t alone in this belief. Other Adventist entities in the area, including churches and schools, are also adopting roads near their properties, further expanding the visibility of the Adventist church in the community.
While there is public relations value in being involved and in drivers seeing the Adventist name on highway signs, Claus is hopeful the involvement has a benefit many people can appreciate. “I’m hoping that when people see us picking up litter, they’ll throw less litter out there.”
Georgia-Cumberland | September 2023

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