Eric Bates

Rebecca Carpenter

Rebecca Carpenter
A record number of 65 couples gathered for the annual Carolina Conference “Romance at the Ranch,” February 10-12, 2017, to hear Richie Brower, associate youth and family life director of the Upper Columbia Conference, and his wife, Timari, share, from their own vulnerable journey, practical, biblical insight to enrich any marriage. The theme was “Winter Wonderland,” but the weather at Nosoca Pines Ranch (NPR) boasted sunny skies and highs in the 70s — perfect for the afternoon boat and carriage rides.
David and Heidi Zinke of Greenville North Church provided soothing, worshipful music before each session, with a mini-concert and hymn-sing on Sabbath afternoon. Guests were served by candlelight, and given the opportunity to offer a tribute to their spouse at the Saturday night banquet. Hearts were warmed by the various spoken and musical tributes given.
The following weekend, February 17-19, nearly 40 more couples gathered at NPR for a Spanish “Romance en el Rancho” Winter Wonderland, hosted by Issac and Beatrice Vallejo, pastor of the Winston Salem Spanish Church. Presenters Jorge and Evelyn Torres gave five inspiring sessions on “The Song of Solomon.” Major Torres is a U.S. Army chaplain currently assigned to Fort Bragg, N.C.
For more learning and growing time with your spouse, mark your calendars for September 22-24, 2017, when Eric and Ann Marie Bates, Carolina Conference family ministries directors, will present “I (Still) Do” at The Clarion Hotel in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Space is limited. For more information, contact Jayme Rouse at the Carolina Conference office.
Carolina | April 2017

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