Java Mattison

Java Mattison
Raising children in 2020 has its challenges, but the new coronavirus has highlighted, again, the important role Christian books have on raising our children. Our children often spend 7-10 hours between school and aftercare or in activities such as sports or music (Habenicht and Burton, 2004). Considerable amounts of time are spent on the computer or hand-held devices searching the internet or playing games. However, COVID-19 changed that drastically. Now, parents at home due to the shutdown, along with their children, have stepped in and become “homeschool” teachers.
With so much time with their children, parents have become creative in finding ways to engage them socially, physically, and, most importantly, spiritually. The Conference Publishing Department seized the opportunity to emphasize an age-old Adventist classic, the 10-volume Bible series entitled The Bible Story. Tracing the handiwork of God in creation, His unfailing love shown throughout history to man, and His redemptive sacrifice at Calvary, The Bible Story set spans the entire Bible.
Publishing hosted a story hour on Facebook the week of Easter, reading Gethsemane, Golgotha, the Graveside (His burial), and Glorified (His resurrection) that Wednesday through Sunday. Facebook lit up with comments of nostalgia and how this current generation needed this opportunity of sitting down at home in the family circle and reading the entire Bible.
People began placing orders, making referrals, and ordering them for their neighbors and grandchildren. Parents remembered growing up with these books, too, and ordered them for their children. Pictures of babies and proud parents popped up on Facebook with their books once they were received! Some shared that they were glad to finally be able to get their hands on a set. More than 50 families have ordered and received the timeless classic during the months of April and May.
Southeastern | July 2020

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