K eyroy Barnes is a deacon on wheels working for the Lord. He faithfully serves and functions as an ordained deacon at Mt. Sinai Church in Orlando, Fla. Through life-changing circumstances, Barnes has lived with limited mobility causing him to be in and out of a wheelchair for the past 27 years. During a conversation, Barnes shared that at the onset of his disability, he found it challenging to adapt to his new reality. Barnes said, “I worshiped from home and was absent from church because I did not want people to see me in a wheelchair.” A caring and concerned friend visited Barnes at his home several times and encouraged him to come back to church, and he did.
Upon returning to the church, Barnes was asked to serve as a deacon, and he accepted. Within and outside the church, Barnes dutifully carries out the responsibilities of a deacon. Barnes has not let his disability stop him from doing the work of the Lord. He is a greeter who welcomes worshippers at the door on Sabbath, participates in worship services by collecting the offering, serves communion, and more.
Barnes’ acts of service and ministry extend beyond the church walls. Remembering how he felt when visited at home, he sees the sick and shut-in, and encourages them through songs and Bible studies. Barnes’ involvement in the work of the Lord attests that there are numerous roles in ministry in which a person with a disability can be invited or volunteer to participate, which adds value to advancing and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The church is an ideal environment and community for inclusion and spiritual support for individuals with disabilities. The mission of North American Division (NAD) Disabilities Ministries, also adopted by local churches, is to ensure accessibility, accommodation, and encouragement for persons with disabilities, and to educate church members on ways to involve individuals in programs to meet their spiritual needs. Barnes has been instrumental in increasing awareness about being actively involved in church activities and suggesting how to enhance access and accommodations for people with disabilities. The World Church realizes the importance of disabilities ministries, and urges congregations to have a disabilities ministries coordinator leader who promotes and facilitates a warm, welcoming, and inclusive worship experience for all.
Southeastern | March 2024

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