Matthew Dormus was a highly motivated seventh-grader at Decatur Adventist Junior Academy during the 2015-2016 school year in Stone Mountain, Ga. His curiosity and thirst for learning new things drove his constant desire to explore and put things in perspective. He enjoys art, music, reading, and sports.
Dormus was recognized for his academic excellence and community service at the Carson Scholars Chattanooga/Atlanta Awards Banquet, April 24, 2016. Included with the award is a one-time $1,000 scholarship to go toward his college education when he enrolls as a full-time student within two years of completing high school.
He was also recognized at his school during an Honors and Awards Program on May 18, 2016, with certificates from President Obama’s Outstanding Academic Excellence, Principal’s List Award, and excellence in every subject and sports he attempted, as well as the Character Trait Award.
South Atlantic | November 2016

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