submitted by: Robert Abdul-Karim
For the past eight summers, the Duluth, Ga., Church has offered Restart.
Restart is a week of evening meetings where youth lead out in every aspect of the evangelistic effort. The youth choose the topic of the week, write the sermons, compose the small-group questions, and determine which games to play.
This year they chose the theme “Restart Power!” based on 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my POWER is made perfect in weakness.”
The youth spoke about the comparison of superheroes and Bible heroes, identifying their sources of power. Those involved in the leadership team had specific tasks, and the freedom to develop leadership skills in their different areas. The praise team would start their praise songs, and the youth speaker for that day would present their superhero and Bible hero. After the talk, everyone would grab a quick bite and go off to their specified small groups.
Restart is focused on high school-aged youth, but they also invite college students and middle scholars with their own small group sessions.
They include time to play a few games. Some of the best were the shaving cream beard, a water balloon toss, beach ball volleyball, and human hungry hippos.
Restart takes place at the end of the youth calendar. The seniors are in charge. It is always a bittersweet experience to congratulate the leaders on a great youth-led evangelistic effort, and then turn around and see them sent off to college.
Duluth members ask you to keep the youth in prayer as they plan another amazing Restart program for 2018.
Georgia-Cumberland | September 2017

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