Michael K. Owusu, D.Min., Southeastern Conference president, addresses the Southeastern members in a letter.
Greetings, dear friends:
As we begin another year, my heart is filled with gratitude for each of you who enrich our Southeastern Conference family.
Thank you to all who have chosen to follow our Lord and committed yourselves to the service and mission of His church. Through your faithfulness, we can continue the ministry, trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit to equip us with the tools needed for this great work.
Our unity in service, despite our diverse backgrounds and unique heritages, stands as a beautiful testament to the Spirit of God dwelling within each of us. Remember when Christ said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another,” John 13:35? Our unity and love are precious gifts from our Lord. He alone has sustained us through 2023, and He alone will carry us through the years to come.
On behalf of my fellow administrators, office staff, pastors, and educators, it is our privilege to serve with you, our members, and for this, we give glory to God.
With great joy, I announce the Southeastern Conference theme for 2024, revealed during the closing moments of our Camp Meeting: “Fill Us.” This theme should resonate deeply within each of us and remind us of our aspiration to be vessels overflowing with the divine presence of the Holy Spirit. Throughout the year, our mission will remain unchanged: to embody the teachings of love, compassion, and service in our homes, churches, and communities.
The call to be filled by the Holy Spirit is a call to transformation — a collective pursuit that unites us in our commitment to shine the light of Christ in a world often shrouded in darkness. It is a call to be instruments of peace, healing, and hope wherever we tread.
May our reflection on the “Fill Us” theme serve as a beacon of inspiration, guiding us into 2024 with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication.
Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed New Year as we await the return of our Savior and Lord.
With heartfelt blessings,
Michael K. Owusu, D.Min.
Southeastern | February 2024

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