History was made in the Southeastern Conference with the inaugural “Fill Us” virtual pep rally. This innovative event marked the first of its kind ever to be hosted by a regional conference, with a resolute focus on evangelism and spiritual empowerment.
At the heart of this remarkable gathering was the resonant theme song, “Fill Us,” featuring original lyrics penned by Benia Dean, Southeastern communication director. The powerful lyrics encapsulated the essence of the event, invoking a sense of unity, empowerment, and divine guidance.
Little did the Conference leadership know that the theme chosen last year at Camp Meeting for this year happened to align perfectly with the North American Division 40th anniversary emphasis in 2025, “Pentecost 2025!” This unforeseen alignment speaks volumes, signaling a divine orchestration that prepares Southeastern for the monumental milestone ahead.
Reflecting on this correlation between the two themes, Michael Owusu, D.Min., Conference president, remarked, “The ‘Fill Us’ theme, chosen by divine inspiration, perfectly aligns with the prophetic significance of Pentecost 2025. Just as the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, we, too, are being filled with His power to fulfill our mission in these last days.”
The “Fill Us” virtual pep rally witnessed an unprecedented level of engagement from the online audience, demonstrating the profound impact of digital outreach in spreading the message of hope and renewal. Conference leaders, including directors from various ministries, shared their vision for incorporating the “Fill Us” focus into their respective areas, inspiring church members to embrace the call to mission and service.
The event served as a catalyst for unity and inspiration, renewin a sense of purpose and commitment among Conference members. As Olinto Groce, pastor and personal ministries director, aptly summarized, “The ‘Fill Us’ virtual pep rally has been a pivotal moment for our Conference, uniting us in our mission to spread the Gospel message to all corners of the Earth. May we continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit, empowered to do God’s Work in these crucial times.”
The success of the “Fill Us” virtual pep rally underscores Southeastern’s dedication to fulfilling its divine mandate, setting the stage for a future brimming with hope, purpose, and spiritual revival. As all march forward in faith, it is clear that the “Fill Us” theme has become a rallying cry, propelling the members to new heights of service and evangelism.
Southeastern | April 2024

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