Looking for ways to create a more vibrant youth life within the church and its community, the Griffin, Ga., Church held their first Vacation Bible School (VBS) in several years. To help promote the event, some of the volunteers from the small church went through their neighborhoods, spreading the word of the event, with one child as young as five years old going door to door, handing out flyers. Some had family members who traveled from a neighboring state for the occasion, while others invited local friends and family.
Through much prayer and the hard work of several volunteers, the VBS was a great success, with an average of 18 children each night, and as many as 25 in attendance one evening. Each night of VBS included exciting songs, important stories from the Bible, fun crafts, and games, snacks, and most importantly, the love of Jesus was displayed to all in attendance.
“I really liked the VBS, and I wanted it to go on for ages!” said nine-year-old Olivia Hamby, a member of Griffin Church. After the last evening of VBS, all the families were invited to a Sabbath evening re-cap where the children sang the songs from the week, reviewed the lessons they had learned and stories they had heard, and were able to view pictures from their week of fun. It provided a great opportunity for making valuable connections with families from outside the church.
Members of Griffin Church have experienced a renewed sense of excitement at the work the Lord has done through VBS, and they are looking forward to what He will do through them in the future.
Georgia Cumberland | August 2024

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