Everyone who attended the 2017 Hispanic Camp Meeting were blessed by the words of guest speakers Elizabeth Talbot, Th.D., and Ricardo Norton, Ph.D. The speakers were used by God to bring remarkable messages of love and hope. Many in the congregation responded to an altar call, and received the blessed assurance of God’s forgiveness. Others in the congregation rushed to the altar praising God while confessing their trespasses. Four were especially touched, and were baptized that day.
For the first time, Conference Hispanic churches celebrated that Andrews University, through Ricardo Norton, granted 89 Bible Instructor certificates to those who pledged to continue working with the Lord by giving Bible studies in order to win more souls for the Kingdom of God.
Everyone left Camp Meeting full of joy and the Holy Spirit, willing to share their strengthened faith with their families and those who lack the glorious hope of the soon return of Jesus Christ.
Kentucky-Tennessee | August 2017

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