Florida Hospital Fish Memorial has received the Bronze Award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for their efforts in encouraging enrollment in Florida’s organ donor registries.
Throughout the year, Florida Hospital Fish Memorial led awareness and registry campaigns to educate staff, patients, visitors, and community members about the critical need for organ, eye, and tissue donors, and, by doing so, increased the number of potential donors on Florida’s donor registry. The hospital earned points for each activity implemented between May 2015 and April 2016, and was awarded bronze-level recognition through the HRSA Workplace Partnership for Life hospital campaign. Of the 995 hospitals participating in the campaign, 207 were awarded bronze recognition during this phase of the campaign.
The Workplace Partnership for Life hospital campaign is a special effort of HRSA to mobilize the nation’s hospitals to increase the number of people in the country who are registered organ, eye, and tissue donors, and, ultimately, the number of organs available for transplant.
The campaign unites donation advocates at hospitals with representatives from their local organ procurement organizations, Donate Life America affiliates, and state and regional hospital associations. Working together, the teams leverage their communications resources and outreach efforts to more effectively spread word of the critical need for donors.
Florida Hospital Fish Memorial worked with TransLife on the campaign. TransLife is east-central Florida’s federally-designated organ and tissue donation program agency, covering 10 counties and partnering with more than 40 hospitals — a critical link between the hospital, the donor family, and those awaiting the gift of life.
“This national recognition is extraordinary because it is indicative of the strong partners we have in our community who are committed to sharing the message of hope through organ, eye, and tissue donation education,” said David DeStefano, TransLife’s executive director. “We are proud of the work Florida Hospital Fish Memorial has done to educate our community, and look forward to continuing this shared message of hope in the future.”
Adventist Health System | February 2017

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