Professional ministry in God’s Church can take a variety of forms, as became evident at last month’s Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Camp Meeting. The Conference administration publicly recognized three individuals on Sabbath afternoon, May 25, 2019, who have given evidence through their service to the Church of their calling to ministry.
Gail McKenzie, Conference women’s ministries leader and prayer coordinator for nearly two decades, was commissioned, and she was joined by Kevin Shearer, pastor of the Owensboro, Ky., district; and Mark Bondarenko, chaplain at AdventHealth Manchester Adventist Hospital, who were both conferred ordination.
While each of them serves God and the Conference in very different capacities, all three make a powerful, measurable difference in blessing those they minister to, and in building the Kingdom of God. The Conference congratulates McKenzie, Bondarenko, and Shearer!
Kentucky-Tennessee | July 2019
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