The RENEW concept was introduced Sabbath, February 29, 2020, to the local churches of the Kentucky- Tennessee Conference. This process, RENEW, includes Reflecting, Empowering, Nurturing, Evangelizing, and Witnessing. Each of these components is essential to a healthy, growing church.
The Conference partnered with local churches and invited the It Is Written speaker/director, John Bradshaw, for an exciting Sabbath of inspiration and empowerment, as he shared dynamic and compelling reasons to share Seventh-day Adventist beliefs through evangelizing communities. He reminded all that evangelism must be through personal witness in everyday lives, and through public witness of preaching the Gospel of Christ and the beautiful message of the three angels in Revelation 14.
More than 20 churches from across the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference participated in the RENEW Evangelism livestream event that was simultaneously translated into Spanish for Hispanic members. Highland Church in Portland, Tenn., graciously hosted the event, sharing their beautiful facility and providing lunch for all who attended. The Conference thanks Highland Church members!
Steve Haley, president of Kentucky- Tennessee, commented, “It was exciting to see the participation of sister churches from across the Conference — north, south, east, and west — join us for this thrilling Sabbath. I know I personally was blessed by being present, and in being reminded of the necessity to be used of Jesus in the work of witness and ministry.”
Thomas Day, local church elder, commented, “The messages were well received. May we be inspired to achieve greater things for God’s Kingdom in Christ.”
Several other churches participated by using the recorded sermons on future Sabbaths. The presentations are archived under the “Livestream” tab at www.kytnrenew.net. The website offers more information about RENEW and how it can impact the local church and community.
Kentucky-Tennessee | May 2020

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