Nathan Zinner
Lawrenceville Company became a church in the city of Lawrenceville, Ga., on January 27, 2024. The Lawrencville Company was formed in the fall of 2018 by the merging of the New Fellowship Mission Group and Questview Company. The church organization was a historic day for the members, pastoral staff, and lay leaders, who attribute the event to the fact that, “We have come this far by faith.”
While the journey to this milestone has taken several years, the church was blessed on February 4, 2023, to have Dennis Ross Jr., interim pastor, and his wife, Jacquelyn, join their church. Later that year, Ross helped the church take the last few steps to request and be approved for full church status. The Lord answered the members’ prayers for a leader who firmly believes and stands on the promises of Jesus Christ, and the Rosses have been a great addition and enhancement to the church family.
Lawrenceville has been known to the community as a small church with a big heart. Members generously welcome each other and visiting friends with open arms of love. Most times it seems a bit infectious that those who choose to make it a church home give their selfless efforts to serve and to minister to the community.
Aiding in this ministry to the community is the church’s diverse membership, with cultures from the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America. Having such diversity, the members incorporate each others’ strengths in meeting the needs of the community.
Every fourth Sabbath is food distribution. In 2023, the church served almost 10,000 people. In January 2024, the members facilitated a drive to feed 100 meals to the homeless and provide them with warm blankets, coats, and toiletries. The church has also visited a shelter and took personally-named gifts to each child and adult.
The members also serve the community by having Google classes, and character and motivational classes for the youth and community, family life and health ministry days, and back to school back-pack drives.
The youth are active in worship services and programs, and the members are committed to providing more ministries for children, youth, and adults, and expanding its reach into the communities.
With such an emphasis on ministry, the members are actively praying for a church facility they can call their own as they strive to meet urgent needs for their members as well as the community. As the church rejoices, they invite everyone to pray for them as they move forward by faith.
Georgia-Cumberland | March 2024

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