Maranatha Church in Atlanta, Ga., held Community Guest Day on Sabbath, July 22, 2017, and there was excitement in the air. This is the time of year when the Sabbath School Department presents the Community Service Award of Excellence to an individual from the community, as well as a person from the church congregation, for making a difference in the City of Atlanta. This year, after Rosia A. Parker, Sabbath School superintendent, communicated many months with the Office of the Mayor, arrangements were made to recognize Mayor Kasim Reed in recognition of the impact his leadership has had on Atlanta through the many projects and initiatives he has successfully implemented and supported.
With a divine appointment, the mayor arrived while the children’s story was being presented, and he was truly blessed and impressed by the children who prayed. He stated in his remarks that this touched his heart dearly, and it took him back to the day when he spoke for the first time in children’s church. He shared, “You have blessed me in a way I had not expected,” and as a result, Reed surprised the Maranatha congregation with a $10,000 donation to support the Children’s Ministries Department, the Back to School program, and other activities for the children.
That day Maranatha set out to be a blessing to Reed, and God in turn used him to be a blessing to Maranatha. The pastor, Sherwin Jack, D.Min., and the members give God the glory!
South Atlantic | January 2018

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