Grace Russell

Grace Russell

Grace Russell
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Brings School-wide Community Service
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Mount Pisgah Academy students and staff had the opportunity to give back to a community in Asheville, N.C. The whole school went to the Historic Shiloh Community where they were able to help out with several different projects. When they arrived at the community center, they were split up into different groups. Some groups were in charge of clearing areas like the creek or the gardening area, while others were in charge of photographing the day or canvassing in the neighborhood. Several students were at work raking leaves, cleaning the creek of rocks, or staining the wooden fence that lined the pathways. Though it was cold, many people seemed to enjoy helping out in the community. One freshman, Emmanuel Flores, stated that, “Shiloh is a very nice community, [and] they have made great progress over the years. It is nice that Pisgah could come here and help out.” Jacob Korolchuk, a junior, also said, “On service day, we get to help people out, and we get to hang out with our friends while helping others.”
Helping the Historic Shiloh Community gave Mount Pisgah Academy students and staff an excellent opportunity to learn about the people of Asheville, while also giving back to the community. Doing volunteer community service allows them to celebrate MLK Day, using the day that honors a man of peace and equality to remember those who have shaped their past.
Carolina | March 2023

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