Mike Burks Ordained in Kentucky
Church members from the Paducah and Murray, Ky., churches, as well as friends and colleagues from as far away as Arizona and Mississippi, joined with Conference administrative officers in celebrating the ordination of Mike Burks on Sabbath, April 24, 2021. Former academy classmate Roger Burke spoke for the occasion which was also attended by Van Bledsoe from Arizona, another close longtime friend and colleague in pastoral ministry to Burks.
Burks has served the denomination as a teacher, and as the principal of several prominent schools, including San Diego Academy and Hinsdale Academy. After taking a few years off and working in the private sector, he felt the Lord was inviting him to return to pastoral ministry. He took that renewed sense of calling before the Lord, and waited to see if God would open a door of opportunity. In a dramatic answer to his prayers, in 2019 the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference offered Burks an opportunity to once again serve as a shepherd to the flock.
Prior to his ordination, and in addition to serving in Adventist education, Burks was a pastor in the Gulf States Conference. He has now been the district pastor in the Paducah and Murray, Ky., churches for the past two years, and has quickly earned the respect and support of his congregations who value his love for God, and his love to train and inspire many in their service to the Lord.
Kentucky-Tennessee | July 2021

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