Are there any prayer requests?” the small group leader asked. Requests included church plant, family, and friends, but one request was different. It was, “I would like to pray for miracles.” And, miracles are exactly what happened.
God’s plan for what is now Bluegrass Connections Company (BCC) became clearer when, in August 2016, the Lexington, Ky., Church board discussed the church’s vision for growth. A key item was church planting. A natural church development plan was presented, and a small group began meeting weekly to pray, study, and focus on the Holy Spirit’s guidance for planting a new congregation.
By August 2018, the group was unanimously approved as a mission group. A steadily growing plan was set in motion with monthly goals for worship, outreach, and social events. The first official worship service took place in September 2018.
Miracles happened. The first worship location, a hotel conference room, was not sufficient space for the group. Then, just in time, a building came available. A semi rear-ended the lay pastor’s truck, setting it on fire, but his life was miraculously spared. Miracles piled up as cars stopped working, emergency rooms were frequented, surgeries were scheduled, and jobs demanded, but none of this stopped God’s work. Seemingly, insurmountable obstacles fell away.
Weekly worship services were launched in February 2019, amid concerns about the tiny, but available, church building being considered. Again, just in time, a larger church building became available.
In February 2020, BCC celebrated both its company status and one year of weekly services. More than 40 made a commitment to BCC.
By March 2020, the world has changed. Once again, a church building cannot be used for worship services, but not because it is not available. Nevertheless, just as BCC has learned from the beginning, going from one location to the next, it is clear that God, the “Waymaker and Miracle Worker,” has more in mind than can be confined within walls. God in missional; His people are the church. The building is closed, but God’s church is open. Go ye therefore…
Kentucky-Tennessee | June 2020

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