Seven Oakwood Adventist Academy (OAA) students earned the right to compete in the Alabama Science and Engineering Fair (ASEF) this past April 2018. All seven OAA students won multiple awards at the event, and OAA took home 28 awards, the second most awards of any school represented. Two students, Brianna Henry and Arielle Madrid, placed first in their respective divisions. In addition, Henry and Jayden Vanterpool advanced to the next stage, and will present their projects at the international level.
Henry will advance to the Broadcom Masters for the Junior International science competition. Vanterpool will attend the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in the Student Observer program, May 13-18, 2018, in Pittsburg, Pa.
Oakwood Adventist Academy congratulates all the winners on a job well done! OAA is proud of how they represented their families, school, region, state, and most all, God!
South Central | June 2018

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