Anthony Chornes II

Anthony Chornes II
What do you get when you add a student from Oakwood University, a 73-year-old veteran, a 62-year-old mountain bike racer, a nurse anesthetist, two pastors, and a quiet 62-year-old? You have the 2017 Tour de Youth Cycling event. These seven cyclists rode six days more than 520 miles from Houston, Tex., to New Orleans, La., in April to bring awareness to youth and adult obesity and Adventist education.
This is the third year of the event, but the first year that Oakwood University has sponsored and made it part of its Healthy Campus 2020 movement. “Heathy Campus 2020 (HC2020) is Oakwood’s organized initiative to empower students to make healthy choices,” says Lesile Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A., president of Oakwood University. “This program is a response to the problem of preventable diseases which affect our students.”
The Tour de Youth was created in 2014 by Kenn Dixon, who now serves as the director of integrated marketing and public relations at Oakwood University, and is an avid cyclist. With 16 riders, the first Tour began in Dallas, Tex., and concluded in San Antonio, Tex., for the 60th General Conference session in 2015. Since then, there have been many local rides and two major cycling tours from Houston to New Orleans. Now that the Tour has moved to Oakwood University and the Southern Union, the organizers are looking for more participants, routes, and continuing the message, “Making Healthy Bodies and Determined Minds a Priority.”
Oakwood University | June 2017

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