Oakwood University hosted its 2017 Commencement Exercises, May 12-13, 2017, for 369 of the brightest students who entered to learn four, five, or possibly six years ago, and have now departed to serve. An additional six “guest” graduates participated in the Commencement service on Saturday night, defined as those who chose not to march at their respective institutions because of Sabbath observance and other scheduling concerns.
Statistics shared by Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A., president of Oakwood University, about the Class of 2017:
Oldest graduate – 73 years old
Youngest graduate – 20 years old
Specialty Degrees:
Masters – 6
Adult & Continuing Education (LEAP) – 42
Dietetic Interns – 19
Major with highest number of graduates:
Biology – 31
Organizational Management – 26
Social Work – 24
Graduate Honors:
Summa Cum Laude: 5
Magna Cum Laude: 19
Cum Laude: 55
Honorable Mention: 73
Religion and Theology: 20
Arts and Sciences: 114
Education: 46
Nursing & Health Professions: 94
Business: 95
Alabama: 48
Florida and New York: 41
Georgia: 37
California: 29
Oakwood University | July 2017

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