The 19-member team of the Phenix City, Ala., Church brought much-needed help to the August Town, Jamaica West Indies, Church and school on a mission trip for a “Church Reno” project. This trip was in answer to a Macedonian call for help before the hurricane season started. It was a rush against time, but through much faith and prayer materials were able to be purchased, and the members of the Hands and Feet of Jesus team (HFJ) from Phenix City Personal Ministries Department offered their skills, money, and time to the success of this project. The work included laying tile on the floor, fixing the roof, repairing broken windows, replacing the doors to the sanctuary, and painting the interior and exterior of the sanctuary for worship services. As a result, the church building may now be used as a hurricane shelter.
In addition to the significant work in renovating the church, the members also held daily Vacation Bible School activities, led by Laree Daniel, elder and HFJ leader, and her team, for more than 60 children of the church and community. Christopher Atkinson, pastor of Phenix City Church, led a mass tract distribution and delivered a powerful community sermon in the streets of August Town on Sabbath, July 8, 2017, similar to those he used to present while living in Jamaica.
The church members thoroughly enjoyed the time spent in Jamaica, and were revived to do more significant work at home in the United States. They spent time with the members and volunteers from the August Town Church, and learned about Jamaican culture and Adventist ways of sharing Jesus. One of their favorite pastimes was sampling many fruits, such as sweep sop, guinep, jackfruit, and mangoes to name a few. They also enjoyed visiting and praying with people in the community.
Atkinson said he felt very grateful and humbled to be able to contribute to the August Town Church. Other members of Phenix City felt the same.
Ann Dockinson stated, “Brother Caleb Atkinson [Christopher Atkinson’s deceased father] would be very thankful and blessed if he were here to see the August Town Church remodeled inside and out. With the hand of God, the project was completed in record time. It was amazing to see how the community came out to help rebuild God’s house, even those who were not members.”
“The mission trip was successful beyond our imagination! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we completed renovation of the building in about four days. The teamwork with the locals was phenomenal. It was long hours and sometimes late into the night. I was immensely blessed, and pray that I am able to return a portion of what I was given,” said Daniel.
Atkinson said the purpose of God’s church is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. HFJ hopes to continue its mission to help, including building a church Cuba, and doing evangelistic work in India.
“And he said unto them, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,’” Mark 16:15.
Gulf States | February 2018

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