Bryant Taylor

Bryant Taylor
We Have Come This Far By Faith,” was the theme of the Poinciana Church, Poinciana, Fla., opening celebration on November 7, 2015.
The first 17 members, powered by a Spirit-filled desire to establish a sanctuary of worship and a beacon of light in Poinciana, set forth in faith. The journey began at the mother church, Mount Zion in Kissimmee, Fla., through the use of a first-day church, and onto the auditorium of the New Dimension High School, where there was a sojourn of nine years.
Under pastors Roy Parham, Tony Taylor, Maxwell Berkel, and current pastor Lewis Edwards, D.Min., the church had grown to more than 300 members, emphasizing the need for a sanctuary. The journey to this goal would have been impossible without the reassuring arm of the Lord guiding the members.
Each day of the celebration was a tribute to the faithfulness of God in the struggle to build a sanctuary in His honor. The members were reminded of this by the mass choir, who joyfully declared, “Oh Lord You brought us from a mighty long way, a mighty long stay in the wilderness.”
The sermon on each day of the celebration endorsed this spiritual theme. During the opening ceremony, Parham spoke on the homecoming. He pointed out that the homecoming to a new church is wonderful, but there is one of far greater importance to come. The ribbon-cutting ceremony included Hubert Morel, D.Min.; Alex Bryant, D.Min., secretary of the North American Division; Kurt Allen, CFO of Georgia-Cumberland Conference; Dennis Ross, D.Min., retired Southern Union ministerial director; Lewis Edwards, D.Min., pastor of Poinciana Church; former pastors; first elders of Poinciana and Mt. Zion churches; and some charter members of Poinciana Church.
Bryant’s message was a biblical journey of faith. He told of God leading His people from what at first appeared to be a no-win situation, as seen by mortals, to an eye-opening experience of the power of God. Bryant reiterated that when God shows up, there is power, miracles happen, and there is change in the relationship with God, which reveals who His people are and Who is in control.
The final sermon was preached by Berkel, followed by a prayer breakfast where tokens and awards of appreciation were presented to some of the many hard-working members of the Poinciana congregation. Berkel reminded the members that the essence of faith is trusting God.
This is the faith that will enable the members to complete the Community Center, so that they may expand various services in the neighborhood, bringing hope to the lost, and rest to the weary as this Earth’s end draws near. This is the ultimate goal of the Poinciana Church, as they keep before them how God has led in the past. The members would be delighted to have you join them in this effort, so if you are ever in the Orlando/Kissimmee area, please feel free to visit and assist them in saving souls for Christ.
Southeastern | March 2017

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