The Gulf States Conference Fall Prayer Summit participants convened August 19-21, 2016, at beautiful Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega, Ala. The weekend offered “Revealing Jesus Through Prayer.” With purposeful hearts and hopes high, attendees settled into a cozy lodge as the sun rested behind a mountain range. Another Sabbath began.
What could make this conference meaningful or life-altering? Would guests see Jesus in the forest setting, among the rocks and hills, the trees and flowers? Maybe in a songbird’s call? It wasn’t just there, though. The Spirit of the Lord arrived as the Most Honored Guest, evident everywhere — in smiling faces, gentle words, and loving acts. Songs of praise and testimonies to God’s glory were heard from the participants. His Spirit moved on the hearts of the speaker panel members to change plans and yield to His, thus blessing all with a testimony of His power and love.
The musical praise team, singers along with musicians Jaime and David Wilson, offered their gifts during each session. On Sabbath morning, Richie Halversen, pastor, kept attendees riveted with his personal testimony of God’s patience, mercy, and power to change lives. Larry Owens, pastor, and his wife, Becky, witnessed firsthand the presence of God, and shared amazing experiences. Brian Danese, Gulf States treasurer, began his sermon on Sabbath evening using humor to leave attendees with an unforgettable, yet simple concept: prayer’s utmost purpose is for building a relationship with God. On Sunday morning, Owens explained how the book of Revelation reveals Jesus Christ, the assurance of salvation, and how to have a deeper relationship with Him.
Attendees left with the assurance that God wants a relationship with His children — to the degree that He ransomed their lives with His Own Son — and with the determination to keep their eyes ever upon Him.
Gulf States | November 2016

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