Members of the Hohenwald, Tenn., Church arrived at the Pulaski, Tenn., Church for Sabbath services on August 25, 2018. The seven visitors received big smiles from the members of the Pulaski Church, who were delighted when they discovered that among the Hohenwald visitors came a pianist. The Pulaski pianist was unable to attend that morning. After the 11 o’clock worship service, the visitors enjoyed conversation and the warmth of new friends around a potluck lunch. Following the meal, about 20 members from both congregations traveled to the local nursing home.
The Pulaski Church schedules a monthly worship service at the nursing home, and invites residents to a room where there is a piano. The residents of the nursing home are especially delighted by the song service that is usually lively and animated. That afternoon one of the residents, thrilled by a hymn, asked that the group sing it again. After a sermonette by one of the elders and a few more songs, the visit came to an end.
The smiles and expressions of thankfulness from the residents brought joy to those who participated in the worship service. Some residents in the nursing home get few visits and seldom leave their rooms, so the worship service gave them a feeling of contentment. It was a good Sabbath, and the visit to the nursing home added a special sense of fulfillment and satisfaction for the visitors that can only surface when one gives of oneself in the service of others.
The Pulaski Church, a very small congregation, often feels that they are the only Adventist in the state. They were glad to have visitors join in making some older people of the Pulaski community happy.
Kentucky-Tennessee | January 2019

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