Bill and Sandra Richardson celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 8, 2018. The Richardsons spent 30 of those years on the faculty and staff at Andrews University. Bill Richardson was chair of the Religion Department for 12 years, and served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for eight years. Sandra Richardson served as executive assistant in the Physical Therapy Department. In 2009 they retired to the Jackson, Tenn., area to be near their daughter and son-in-law, Cindy and Roy Schmidt. They are active in the Jackson Church, where Bill Richardson frequently preaches and teaches. The Richardsons have two more children, daughter Cheri (Ken) Leffler, who live near Landstuhl, Germany; and son Steve (Andrea) Richardson, who live in Jacksonville, Fla. The Richardsons have eight grandchildren.
Kentucky-Tennessee | August 2018

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