The South Atlantic Conference Sabbath School Department conducted a seven-hour training event on April 21, 2018, in Atlanta, Ga. This was one in a series of certification tracks that empower the local Sabbath School superintendents and teachers to effectively engage their churches in weekly lesson study and Bible discussion. Approximately 200 Sabbath School leaders and teachers, along with children’s ministries directors, gathered to be infused with biblical leadership principles. Attendees came from North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia.
For the first time in South Atlantic history, both Spanish and English workshop tracks were offered. More than 60 attendees were Hispanic Sabbath School and children’s ministries leaders. Two South Atlantic pastors, John Newlove and Ismael Uribe, led out in one of the workshops. Trina Ware, children’s ministries leader at the South Central Conference, along with Carolyn Lamb and Robin Galgon from the North American Division Children’s Ministries Department, were the special guest presenters for those who minister to the little ones. David Long, Southern Union Sabbath School, prison ministries, prayer ministries, and stewardship director, and R. Steven Norman III, Southern Union communication director, conducted workshops specifically for adult Sabbath School leaders and teachers.
Local elders Richard Watkins and John C. Alberty, Ed.D., showed extraordinary leadership by bringing 29 delegates from Ebenezer Church in Augusta, Ga. Additionally, Alberty blessed all by writing a theme song. It is sung to the tune of “Onward Christian Soldiers,” with this refrain: We’re the church at study, feasting on God’s word. Sabbath School is where God, teaches us to serve.
South Atlantic | October 2018

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