Submitted by: Cheol Soo Han

Submitted by: Cheol Soo Han

Submitted by: Cheol Soo Han
Members of the Grovetown Korean- English Church in Grovetown, Ga., were anticipating a very special day. There was music in the sanctuary and a welcome sign next to a well-lit Christmas tree at the church entrance.
Forty-eight U. S. Army soldiers from Fort Gordon, Ga., filed in to the church, along with the chaplain, captain, major, and lieutenant colonel. They seemed to fill up the small Grovetown sanctuary. The evening started with a beautiful song from the Golden Bell quartet, and a message of thanksgiving from Cheol Soo Han, church pastor. Then the Thanksgiving meal was shared together with much chatter, happiness, and laughter from the church members and the soldiers.
Many soldiers went for seconds, thirds, and even fourths. The food that was prepared by the church members served as a reminder of home. Some soldiers even said it was the best food they had tasted in awhile.
After stomachs were filled, a wonderful message was delivered by John Calvin Alberty, a nationally certified counselor and author of 16 books. Alberty also served four years in the United States Air Force. He told the soldiers of his own military experiences, and gave them strength and cheer.
When the service was over, one soldier went up to Han and said, “Please invite us again.” Han replied they’d be happy to.
The large bus carrying the soldiers drove off into the night, honking three times as a good-bye to the waving church members. After their departure, the church members cleaned with light hearts. There was a positive atmosphere in the church.
The members worked tirelessly from the beginning to the end of the event. They prayed together and expressed gratitude for one another. Through serving the young soldiers, the Grovetown Korean-English Church members felt as if they were serving in God’s mission.
Neil S. Hersey, United States Army major general, wrote Han a letter saying, “Your continued support is refreshing, and reminds us why we serve each and every day.”
Georgia-Cumberland | February 2020

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