South Atlantic Conference welcomes a new associate superintendent of schools, Michael Jon Cookenmaster, Ed.D. He comes to South Atlantic from the Florida Conference, where he was serving as a teaching principal in the Orlando area. Cookenmaster asks that he is called Michael, saying this is what his mother named him.
Cookenmaste was born at Glendale Adventist Medical Center in Los Angeles, Calif., but he considers himself a Tucsonan (Too-so-nan), where he was raised. His first 10 years of schools were completed at Tucson Junior Academy in Tucson, Ariz. He then graduated from Thunderbird Adventist Academy in Scottsdale, Ariz. He completed a bachelor of arts in liberal arts, along with a minor in music from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, Calif. He received his master of arts in the field of curriculum, instruction, and teacher education at La Sierra University in Riverside, Calif. He earned his doctoral degree in educational administration and leadership from the University of Phoenix.
Cookenmaster praises God for the wide array of professional experiences he has had during a 28-year period as an educator. These experiences come from his positions as a classroom teacher in Adventist and public schools. He has taught every grade from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade. He has taught in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Tennessee, and Florida, serving not only as a teacher and principal, but also as a Title I literacy coordinator, and a regional education consultant providing professional development trainings and services in curriculum and product alignment.
Cookenmaster and his wife, Marcie, are the proud parents of five beautiful children: Cassie, a senior music education major at Southern Adventist University; Drew, a senior film production major at Full Sail University in Orlando; Dakota, a freshman majoring in computer science at Southern Adventist University; Cheyenne, a senior in high school; and Hyacinth, who is in eighth grade. The Cookenmasters love to travel. This past June, Michael and Marcie Cookenmaster celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by visiting their family’s ancestral homeland in Ireland, Wales, and England.
Cookenmaster gives God all the glory, honor, and praise for his call to serve the South Atlantic Conference. He is excited to be a part of a high-performing school system that is the result of a fantastic environment, dedicated Christian community with supportive constituent churches, and a phenomenal faculty and staff. He invites you to join in the excitement of learning what happens each day in South Atlantic schools as they develop lifelong learners, and encourage young lives for the Kingdom of Heaven.
South Atlantic | September 2017

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