SEC Communication Staff

SEC Communication Staff
Leaders are made, not born. Southeastern Conference believes that leadership is a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors, and hence, the reason for the Haitian leadership weekend. The Southeastern Conference Haitian Ministries, under the direction of Nicolas Louis, aims to inspire, encourage, and develop the next generation of leaders by liberating the leader in everyone.
This annual 360-degree leadership weekend helps the Haitian churches build and create change towards a more motivated and productive church community. The training offers critical ministry skills needed to lead the church into a new culture of love and wholesome fellowship.
Bethel French Church, Riviera Beach, Fla., hosted the annual Haitian leadership training event on the first weekend of February 2020. Approximately 1,500 church officers of the Haitian community arrived from all over Florida. During the weekend, representatives from all 21 ministries of the Conference provided training geared to meet the needs of the church leadership.
In the words of Louis, “This year we were able to have training for the new officers of the churches again. We know that to have a spiritual and powerful Church, the leaders need to be trained. Therefore, this year we got together for some refreshing moments, leadership training, and fellowship. Remember that training is one of the factors contributing to the growth of the Church. Therefore, we put much emphasis on the training of our officers, and it gave outstanding results. To God be the glory!”
Southeastern | May 2020

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