Jyremy Reid

Thamar Pericles

Loloma Spraggins
The 73rd annual Camp Meeting for South Central Conference commenced on June 8, 2019. This year was filled with dynamic sermons, practical presentations, and many youth activities. Attendees were blessed to have individuals like Vandeon Griffin, associate director of youth and young adults’ ministries at the North American Division; Abraham Jules, D.Min., Northeastern Conference evangelist; and Lola Moore-Johnston, pastor of the Woodbridge, Va., Church.
One of the highlights was the early morning services, where two new pastors, Marlon Reid, Hillcrest Church, Nashville, Tenn., and Reginald E. Robinson, First Church in Port Gibson, Miss., delivered powerful messages which were aligned with the Camp Meeting theme, “Spirit-Filled, Mission-Driven.”
A few other highlights were the launch of South Central’s new website, which has the theme “I am South Central.” The idea behind this phrase is that each member of South Central, no matter their age or title, plays a key role in enhancing not just the mission of South Central, but Christianity. Giving tools options like the Cash App and the Adventist Giving App were introduced to the members for easier methods to return their tithe or give donations. Also, the Camp Meeting app was reintroduced; it allowed campers to have a full, detailed schedule of all the events and real-time updates of all changes.
South Central is a huge supporter of their youth. This year a full week of activities, which included arts and crafts, choir, how-to classes, and so much more, were offered. For the mature youth, the Oakwood University Communications Department offered a Media Camp. The teens and preteens were able to walk through the production studio and have a hands-on experience with cameras, lighting, switch boards, and more.
At the conclusion of Camp Meeting, Benjamin Jones, president of South Central Conference, delivered his message and final appeal for all of the campers to remain unified. He emphasized that this is the year of evangelism, and South Central is on a mission to prepare hearts for Christ’s soon return. He also mentioned that he is preparing for the 2020 Camp Meeting, which has a proposed theme of “Thy Kingdom Come.” He encouraged everyone to plan to attend, and to stay spirit-filled and mission-driven.
South Central | September 2019

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